Guiding Principles 

    • We are a hyper-local paper at heart. If we cover citywide or state issues, we will always link it back to the experiences of people in our coverage area on the Far Northside.

    • We focus on centering the voices of the voiceless: POC, Queer people, the unhoused, and the otherwise politically disadvantaged.

    • We are committed to uncovering and airing injustice and spreading the movements that would go unnoticed by the mass media. 

    Staff List 

    Tess Lacy - Editor, Publisher 

    Liz Lira - Spanish Language Editor

    Asher Spangenberg - Editor 

    Katelyn Noonan - Editor, Reporter

    Elias Eshu - Photographer 

    RenĂ©e Rakowitz - Comics 

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